My "Lead Magnet" is not "leading" (TriumFit TuesNews #19πŸ†)


TriumFit Tues NewsπŸ†

The community where we celebrate stories of strength and giving back, not giving up. Subscribe for fun fitness challenges! Try it. Get fit. TriumFit. BONUS: *Get my E-book "22-Must Do Hybrid Training Hacks" for FREE with email entry*


TriumFit Tues News #19πŸ†

Count down to 2025-01-28T01:00:00.000Z​

What's good Reader,


My company is built around challenges.

Physical challenges.

But also mental challenges.

Because you cannot easily separate the mind from the body.

In this newsletter I promised you behind the scenes access to the "Chief Challenge Officer" (me)

Noah Kagan's book "Million Dollar Weekend" (MDW) has been my book of the year so far. It stirred a deep entrepreneurial drive I haven't felt before.

What better way to document my OWN journey, than by doing his 34-step business challenge checklist. (see how meta this is?)

This will be my accountability to you, dear reader, to show you how the plane is built... in mid air.

Finger's crossed this isn't a Boeing 737, and the doors actually stay on the whole time.

But if they don't, I'm going down with the ship, as your loyal captain.



This week MDW challenge is to "Create a Lead Magnet" by using a piece of content from a previous work, or starting something new. It also says to spend a maximum of 2 hours on this.

Well, I already made a lead magnet a WHILE back. The "22-Must Do Hybrid Training Hacks" E-Book. But it hasn't lead to any real movement or newsletter subscribers. I pinned it to my Instagram profile under "FREE STUFF," so I am not sure how else I can advertise it to get views.

I suppose I could put it as a clickable pop up on some of my YouTube videos (specifically the Sub5/315 project) ones, but those videos aren't seeing much light of day either (what the hell, algorithms yo, I swear).

As of right now the E-book auto downloads when someone enters their email into my public "TriumFit TuesNews" Kit Profile here:​

How else can I get the word out about my lead magnet? Feels less like a "magnet" and more like a "cloak of invisibility." Entrepreneurship is hard sometimes...actually all the times.

Here is the E-book link if you want to check it out. And yes, this took me WAY longer than 2 hours to make. Click here:​

"Tyler's TriumFit Tuesday Tip" where I share some wisdom:

#14 Travel when you are YOUNG. Even if you have little funds for it.

You can get away with less comfortable travel when you are in your 20's. Stay at a cheap hostel, sleep on the floor. Your body is resilient enough to handle it then, rather then when you have double knee arthritis...I have slept at many a train station in Sweden, and lived to tell the tale of adventure with a smile later ;)



"Warriors of the Week" TriumFit's highlight of the TFC community:

Follow me on Strava if you want to get your week of "Sweat-Efforts" praised in a future TuesNewsletter! Click here ---> Ty from TriumFit​


Some dude "Adel" from France did 5 miles, but I literally don't know what the hell else he said. Anyway, props dude.

Nolan drew an interesting figure with his run, sussss.

Sabina was crushing some Valentine's soft jellies post row. It isn't even Valentines yet, is that a legal move? You decide.

Tony ran with an Alligator man? I have so many more questions...

Bridget and Chase both got some morning workouts in, SOLID work there. That is my nemesis

"The People's Poll" TriumFit's random queries to the community:


DAAAANG. Looks like we have A LOT of Rocket Power fans in the group. That was my personal selection too. Honestly, I def thought the first time I went surfing in Hawaii at 12, that I was going to be able to pull a double backflip off like Otto Rocket. Rest assured I was severely disappointed with the false advertising when I failed to catch a single wave.


Anyway, head over the Facebook community group here to vote in the next poll:



"TriumFit Transparency" where we talk progress and problems:


Tyler's progress towards his 2025 TriumFit growth goals:

  1. 3 of 100 challenge sign ups
  2. 70 of 1,000 newsletter subscribers

Other progress

  1. Just edited the single/bundle ThriveCart checkouts, they look much cleaner now
  2. ​Edited 2025 Event Calendar and added some animations to it!


  1. Going to have to figure out how to drop ship? Is that the term? Because the new Gold and Silver commemorative challenges coins are in the design phase (shoutout to my brother getting on that). But I have no idea how to sell a PHYSICAL product yet. Anyone know?
  2. Entropy and death...


"Clear the Calendar" where we look forward to the next challenge:


Check out the "Selma to Montgomery" FB Event page. This is the first challenge of 2025 and your first shot at a GOLD CHALLENGE COIN, which will be given to your FOR FREE upon completion of the challenge (Full/Outdoor version) if you are one of the first 25 to tackle it.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a total G, let's remember his legacy by "marching" past our own physical limits. 54 miles sounds brutal, it is, but we all have to start somewhere. Start with the Silver division- 54 mile BIKE variation in 5.4 hours this year, and then move to the gold division next year!

MLK really summed it up best with the line:

"If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving." - Martin Luther King Jr.

Even if you don't finish the exact miles, it's about more than just the miles, you can still find your personal limit, and that's what TFC is all about.





Referral Reward Tier 1: Refer TFC 10 friends (whether they subscribe or not) & get a spoken word poem written about you in an upcoming TFC Newsletter! Forward the TFC profile page. Or directly forward this email.

Then screen shot your 10 forwarded friends, send it to TriumFitChallenge.com and Tyler will write up something clever to thank you ;)


Referral Reward Tier 2: Refer TFC to 20 friends (and if one of them buys a future holiday charity event) I will send YOU a $20 Amazon e-gift card. Simply forward this email to 20 people (or my newsletter profile page), and then send me a screenshot at TriumFitChallenge.com, same as above. When I get their invoice the prize is yours!


p.s. If you registered for a TFC event, make sure you're on the official entry list for charity challenges below.

p.p.s. I love you. Let's set up a time to walk and talk. Like on the phone. Using our phones...as phones. Wut.

Stay Legendary,

Chief Challenge Officer

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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TriumFit Tues NewsπŸ†

The community where we celebrate stories of strength and giving back, not giving up. Subscribe for fun fitness challenges! Try it. Get fit. TriumFit. BONUS: *Get my E-book "22-Must Do Hybrid Training Hacks" for FREE with email entry*